The rules and technology changed! Many are saying all I.T. and communications companies are the same. Seen one … seen them all. Is that true today? Given the choice between Provider A and Provider B, there is no differentiating value? Are you about to make an I.T. commitment to a new server, a new phone system, or cloud computing? And you think all of these choices provide about the same value?
Not knowing your true costs in this economy could lead to lost opportunities!
With thousands of VoIP, Hosting, and I.T. companies in North America, getting a tech business started is easier than ever! Numerous reseller programs exists that require no training. Direct Mail Campaigns, prepared by equipment manufacturers, could be headed to thousands of potential customers today - all with your new logo on them.
True story: I received the same postcard from six different companies last week.
If I.T. and Next Generation Communications present little or no strategic value to your business, I would agree that all companies and vendors are equal. The real answer, of course, is that many I.T. and Next Generation Communication Companies put in the hard work, time, and effort to provide your business with useful evaluations and information based upon years of experience and education. Your business can then, in turn, continuously improve decision making related to processes, communications, and productivity knowing the underlying knowledge was created from a credible source.
Is your trusted adviser sufficiently motivated to find the right solution for your business?
A talented and experienced technology company will be able to help business owners and decision makers choose the best solutions for the needs of the organization. If your technology adviser lacks experience, training, financial stability, and accountability – what does the conversation sound like when you are faced with a capital expense solution of $120,000 versus an operating expense solution of $1,200 per month? Shared versus Dedicated? Premise versus Hosted? What kind of financial impact exists over the next three to six years?
In most organizations, capital investment is limited. All companies want to direct their limited investment opportunities towards revenue generating projects. A wrong move leads to lost opportunity. (Be prepared – shameless plug coming up) Since 1995, Georgia Business Net has been advising and providing trusted solutions to organizations large and small throughout nine states in the southeast. We want to work with you and your partners with a goal of being your LAST technology solution provider.